The Albertine Brothers
Congregation of the Brothers of the Third Order of St. Francis
founded by St. Brother Albert, 1888, in Cracow, Poland
Albertine Vocation

An albertine vocation is Jesus's call to follow Him in a community by the joyful fulfillment of the evangelical counsels of voluntary chastity, poverty and obedience. This path of imitating the Saviour assumes a constant concern with one's love which has to be deepened more and more.

The first step on the path is called postulate and is a period which lets the brothers glance at the albertine work and reflect on their personal vocations. They spend this period in Cracow. Our postulate lasts for at least six months.

End of each August the second stage is started by a solemn investiture of religious habits. This period is called novitiate and takes place in a hermitage in Kalatówki, Zakopane. There the novices spend two years in order to learn the rules of religious life and to prepare for an absolute offering their lives to God by pronouncing their first temporary vows of chastity, poverty and obedience.

Afterwards they start the six-year-long period of juniorate. Then they accomplish the albertine charism in different homes of the Congregation by prayer and work. Meanwhile they have opportunity to extend their qualifications and skills within the albertine mission.

Service for the poor
 Albertine vocation is a call to follow Jesus by the example of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Brother Albert, living in a community dedicated to a humble service for the destitute and wretched Children of God.

Having pronounced temporary vows the brothers undergo a further spiritual formation till they eventually decide to devote themselves to God by the eternal vows they can make.

The Albertine Brothers generally do not take holy orders. As non-priests they can make their love to Jesus more free to be performed actively in their service for the poorest. Moreover, they are in this way obliged to a zealous care of their internal life. The Eucharist, liturgical prayer, meditation, retreat days and recollections make it possible for them to develop their love and invest it with a still newer, more beautiful countenance.

If you are interested in joining our Community, you may get in touch with:

Concerning the matter of vocation and retreat days:

Vocation Director: brother Kamil Szymański
31-066 Kraków, ul. Krakowska 43, PL
tel. +48 668 207 802

Concerning the matter of entering the Congregation:

Superior General: brother Franciszek Grzelka
31-066 Kraków, ul. Krakowska 43, Poland
tel. +48 12 429 56 64

Conditions you should fulfill in order to join the Albertines:

  • Vocation that guarantees it really is the way God wants you to go
  • Age 17-30
  • Physical health
  • Mental health
  • At least basic qualifications (details to be discussed)
Congregation of Albertine Brothers, 31-066 Kraków/Cracow, ul. Krakowska 43, Poland